
— About —



His experience and skill is obvious. Splatt is a master. -The Barefoot review

This man is epic talent - Markus Hamence

David is a world class clown, mime and marionette puppeteer who will melt your heart, and probably steal your wallet for a whisky or two at the bar. An absolute show stealer. - Scenestr

David Splatt slows things down with a performance that’s surprisingly touching and absolutely masterful in its construction. - Beat Magazine

Splatt is considered by most to be the master of Vaudeville. His tongue-in-cheek humour, coupled with his impressive skill set won my heart over instantly. -Weekend Notes

Vaudeville extraordinaire - Glam Adelaide

Australia has their very own Charlie Chaplin - Tom Berlinson (Australia’s Got Talent)


David Splatt is an internationally recognised and multi-award winning artist known far and wide for his whimsical style of silent clowning and charming vaudevillian sensibilities. While wandering through the alleyways of the theatre world for the past two decades, Splatt has focused much of his professional life on rediscovering performance skills from a bygone era and presenting them to new and captivated audiences.

After initially training in numerous forms of traditional theatre and stagecraft (Swinburne Tafe) and a number of varied circus disciplines (NICA), he went on to research various anachronistic theatrical crafts including Commedia Dell 'Arte, Musical Saw playing, and Puppetry. Coming to an end of what he could discover on his own, he packed his suitcase and travelled abroad to Eastern Europe where he continued to study under and subsequently work alongside some of Europe's highly regarded masters of contemporary mime and traditional marionette puppetry.

Since then, Splatt has been a Grand Finalist on Australia's Got Talent, created work for film, television, theatre and circus, as well as cofounded Melbourne based theatre company, Smallpox Theatre. Under the collective Smallpox banner he’s presented highly acclaimed and sold-out seasons of visual theatre work at both Adelaide Fringe and Melbourne Fringe, as well as been the first Australian artist in history invited to perform at not only the International Mime and Physical Theatre Festival of the Caribbean, but also the annual International Mime Festival in Warsaw.

In addition to his performance based work, David has also gained a reputation for his specialised design based work in the areas of circus, puppetry and theatre having helped design and build props, sets, costumes and puppets for NICA (National Institute of Circus Arts), Bluey (award-wining animated series) and Dummies Corp (award-winning circus company), to name just a few. 


David is currently one of less than a dozen professional puppeteers Australia wide who regularly presents and creates marionette work and has not only toured extensively throughout Australia, but also performed (both on street and stage), in over 15 different countries.


Appearances Include:

  • Glastonbury Festival (UK)
  • Edinburgh Fringe (Scotland)
  • Pflasterspektakel (Austria)
  • StraßenFESTIVAL Werne (Germany)
  • Aufgetischt St.Gallen (Switzerland)
  • Ghent Festival (Belgium)
  • International Mime Art Festival
  • International Mime and Physical
    Theatre Festival (Puerto Rico)
  • Ferrara Buskers Festival (Italy)
  • Straßenkunstfest Villach (Austria)
  • Kulture Auf Der Strasse (Germany)
  • kulturelle-landpartie (Germany)
  • Teatrotoc Festival (Czech Republic)
  • StraMu Würzburg (Germany)

  • Melbourne Cabaret Festival (Melbourne)

  • Melbourne Fringe (Melbourne)
  • Adelaide Fringe Festival
  • Perth Fringe (Perth)
  • World Sideshow Festival (Victoria)
  • Woodford Folk Festival (QLD)
  • National Folk Festival (Canberra)
  • Cairns Busker Festival (QLD)
  • Fairbridge Festival
    (Western Australia)
  • Cygnet Folk Festival (Tasmania)
  • Floriade (Canberra)
  • Mount Iza Fringe (Mount Iza)
  • White Night Festival (Melbourne)
  • Rainbow Serpent (Victoria)
  • Luna Park's Halloscream (Sydney)
  • Australia's Got Talent
    ...And countless more!